
Data analysis

We help businesses discover the true potential of their data through advanced data analysis and predictive models.

Our Services

What do we offer?


Data cleaning and preparation

We will rid your data of errors and inconsistencies to ensure maximum usability.

Data Analysis and Interpretation

We perform deep data analysis and provide understandable interpretations for informed decisions.

Data visualization

We create clear and interactive visualizations that facilitate understanding of complex datasets.

Predictive models and forecasting

We create models to predict future trends, such as price developments or customer behavior.

Tailor-made individual projects

We tailor each project to your specific needs with an emphasis on an individual approach.


Why choose our services?

Information mining
We transform your raw data into valuable insights for strategic decision-making.

Data purity
We ensure high quality and consistency of data for reliable and accurate analyses.

Advanced predictive models
We use models to predict trends, price developments and identify patterns of behavior.

Analysis of time series
We analyze data over time for forecasting, predictive maintenance and process optimization.

Finding Addictions
We reveal hidden relationships and dependencies between different variables in your data.

The solution

Resolved problems


Insufficient use of data

We help companies make the most of their data resources to increase their competitiveness.

Low data quality

We ensure data purity and integrity, which is crucial for reliable analysis and modeling.

Inaccurate predictions

We increase the accuracy of predictions using advanced algorithms and machine learning methods.

Examples of use

Forecasting price developments

We help predict price trends for better strategic planning and decision-making.

Predictive maintenance

We allow you to predict equipment failures and plan maintenance to minimize downtime.

Finding Hidden Addictions

We reveal the relationships between various factors that can affect your business.

Supply Optimization

We analyze data for more efficient inventory management and cost reduction.

Why us?

We are a partner you can count on.

Expert knowledge
Our team has extensive experience in data analysis, statistics and machine learning.

Advanced Technologies
We use the latest tools and algorithms to achieve maximum accuracy and efficiency.

Individual approach
We start each project with a thorough understanding of your needs and goals to ensure the best possible outcome.

We work closely with you throughout the project to ensure transparency and your satisfaction.


We have created many interesting projects that prove our experience in the field. Our solution is used daily by hundreds of users, facilitating both common and more sophisticated tasks.
Charles University

We have created an advisor for international students to facilitate orientation for new students.

Try the demo: Counsellor for International Students

University of West Bohemia

We developed an internal chatbot for employees to streamline internal communication and access to information.

RNDr. Aleš Zita, Ph.D.


RNDr. Aleš Zita, Ph.D.


Do you want to optimize your processes with artificial intelligence?

Get in touch with us, we'll go over your needs and design a bespoke solution.